Environment Protection

Tree Planting And Land Development

The members, students and monks of this Trust has initiated a drive to protect the environment and ecosystem of this region with planting of trees and bamboos in and around landslide prone area near Monastery, schools and other places.

Embankment Of River To Protect From Landslide

Monks of the Ngesang Do Ngag Jangchub Dragyeling monastery and local volunteers worked days and nights to complete the embankments by the side of Sinying Nallah to protect the area from landslides during the rainy seasons. Till now we have completed more than 800 meters long embankment.

Environmental Awareness Drive

This is one of the long and integral parts of activities of the Pema Mani Charitable Society towards the protection of environment and living beings. We discourage the use of plastic and polythene bags in the area. We preach the importance of following non-violent and harmonious way of existence with nature. Signed boards and posters are being displayed in various areas to ward off the rampant and unscrupulous destruction of the living species and its ecosystem.   We also collect all non-degradable waste materials and try to burn and dispose of them properly as much as possible.